Bitcoin 101

EUR 10.00EUR 500.00

Harness the power of blockchain and cryptocurrencies. Develop the skills to future-proof your career.

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Beginner Course:

Bitcoin is a type of digital currency that is produced and held electronically. They are not issued as printed papers like the dollars, yen, euros, and pounds. They are increasingly being produced by people, businesses, and enterprises running computers all over the world using software that solves mathematical problems.

Elementary Course:

All transactions carried out are absolutely transparent. Copies of the electronic ledger are reserved across a distributed network of computers hosted on the web with no single point of failure. The technology behind this is Blockchain which is fast becoming well accepted worldwide.

Intermediate Course:

The mining of Bitcoin is difficult, and as it stands, the demand for it is very high hence it’s rapidly increasing exchange rate. It is a currency which is only less than a decade, yet it has gained more relevance than the printed fiat currencies. This is because of the value it has created in such a short time of its existence.

Advanced Course:

With the stride Bitcoin has gained, the world of digital currency has been a key interest in the media. Being the first decentralized currency, it has achieved a good reputation all around the world. ! There are several ways to venture into the crypto-world and make a good living with it. Below are few of the best ways to leverage Bitcoin.

Professional Course:

Buy, Hold and Sell Bitcoins. This is one of the best ways to make money with Bitcoin. The steps to get started on this journey are first to obtain a Bitcoin wallet offered by Blockchain, coinbase, luno, xapo, localbitcoins, Bitquick, coincorner, and others. These serve as the means of sending and receiving Bitcoin, as well storing Bitcoin online. However, you could also store your Bitcoin offline using the cold wallet on a well-protected computer.

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Course Level

Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Advanced, Professional


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