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The Advantages of Cryptocurrency Investment
Since cryptocoins can be traded both inside and outside the digital currency environment, digital currencies are more than just a way to pay for goods and services – they’re also a viable investment opportunity. In fact, cryptocurrency has several advantages over fiat funds when it comes to investment opportunities, one of the biggest is that it isn’t subject to the same market conditions that traditional currencies are when it comes to foreign exchange rates.
Why buy Cryptocurrency?

How Bitcoin Works
Buying Bitcoin
The first thing you need to do is get yourself some bitcoins. You can either mine this yourself, receive some as payment for goods or services, or buy at a Bitcoin exchange like Coinbase or Kraken. There are different wallets for you to store your new bitcoins in.
Bitcoin’s Value Lies In Its Utility
You are connected to the community of Bitcoin users through a computer network, and the ledgers that Bitcoin uses is called a blockchain: transactions are compiled into blocks, which in turn are connected in a chain-like manner, hence the name.
Bitcoin is Secure
The security system, aside from ensuring the reliability of Bitcoin transactions, also ensures that the identity of the Bitcoin users can be protected. Unlike in credit cards, your account number does not have any value in your transactions, which are ultimately verified using a private and public key.
Let’s Get Started
Ready To Make a Real Change?
Buying bitcoins is a very simple and straightforward process. You can simply go to a bitcoin exchange website such as Coinbase or Kraken, and exchange your US Dollars, British Pounds, Euros, Canadian Dollars, and other supported currencies (this will depend on the platform) into some bitcoins.